
banner - Print message using big letters


banner [ options ] message


Banner prints a large message to your screen. Each argument is displayed on a new line by itself. To get multiple words and spaces to print on the same line, enclose them in quotation marks.

Options are:


Boldface. The character that makes up the “pixel” of each part of a letter is doubled, giving a wide, boldfaced effect.

-c #

Sets the character that constitutes a letter’s “pixel”. By default, the pixel is the pound-sign (#). Using “-c *” would change it to a star.


Monospace. Each letter occupies a fixed width. By default, banner displays letters in a proportionally-spaced format.


banner Stupid!

### # # # # # # # # # # #### # # #### ## #### # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## #### # # # ### ## ## # # ### #### # #

If the last argument given to banner begins with ‘>’, it redirects the output to the filename that follows.


banner maker module