
edit - Text editor


edit file


Edit is the standard ProLine line-oriented text editor. It is used to make changes to a text file, or create new files. The editor can hold roughly 300 lines of text. Edit recognizes the following commands.

Add - Append text to end of buffer

Change <lines> - Change text segments (local/global)

Delete <lines> - Delete lines from buffer

Find <pattern> - Search for a pattern of text

Insert at <line> - Insert lines at specified location

List <lines> - List buffer line(s) with numbers

Print <lines> - Print line(s) without numbers

Quit - Quit editing and save changes

Read - Read a file into editor from user area

Wordwrap - Toggle word wrapping ON or OFF

eXit - Exit editor, cancel all changes

? - Display a help file

<lines> is an argument which may be any of the following:

All - All lines, same as pressing RETURN

First - First line in buffer

Last - Last line in buffer

. - (period) Last line accessed

Or <lines> may be a numeric range as shown in these examples:

3 - Line 3

-3 - All lines from the first to 3

5-183 - All lines from 5 to 183

22- - All lines from 22 to the last

When done editing, use Quit to write changes to disk and leave the editor. You can exit and cancel any changes by using eXit.

Editing a file does not change its file type. Only sequential text files can be edited.

See Also

ed(C), vedit(C)