today - Events on this day throughout history
today [ -s ]
Today prints famous birthdays and historical events for the current date in history. Using the optional -s flag (suspend redundancy) causes today to print the historical data for you only once per day.
You can add your own dates to the database by editing the files in
$/games/lib/today. Here’s an example for September, found in
the file $/games/lib/today/sep:
B09011875 Edgar Rice Burroughs, novelist, Ah-ee-ah-ee-ah! B09021838 Queen Liliuokalani (last queen of Hawaii). B09021952 Jimmy Connors, tennis brat S09011939 Germany invades Poland, starts World War II. S09011952 Sutro Baths purchased by George Whitney. S0901 2Labor Day, a legal holiday S09021620 The Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth with S09021620C102 Pilgrims.
The record type which can be a B for birthdays or S for special dates in history.
Month and day as MMDD with leading zeros.
The full year of the event as four digits. If left blank, the current year is used.
A special processing flag. Values may be:
BLANK for no special processing.
C to continue a message from the previous line.
Note that you MUST repeat the date fields.
DAY-OF-WEEK digit where 1=Sunday … 7=Saturday.
This will cause the message to display only if the
date falls on a certain day of the week.
The message to display for this date.